Home Reading
Support for home reading:
Resources for membership schools include:
How the school teaches phonics will be run in workshops (and an online version will be available for parents unable to attend).
Films that show how to pronounce the sounds (in half term blocks).
Sound mats for home use
Common Exception words sent will be sent home to practise in lists
Book marks will be sent home with your child’s books to help you support them in their reading journey.
Books coming home:
In DPiL Phonics children will bring home two books a week:
One will be a decodable book reflecting the phonemes that they have been taught that week. This book should be read to you and independently until they are fluent. Parent video and training will be given by the school.
Children will also bring home a book form the ‘Reading for Pleasure’ selection. This is to enjoy and share with your child. This may have new phonemes not yet learned, so please read this book to them and/or with them. Enjoy this time. Try and add one of these to support your child:
Do a picture walk and talk (before you start to read the text).
Try to predict what is going to happen next before or during the read.
Try to use different voices for the characters-this helps them understand the story and develop their own expressive reading as they will copy you.
Recall and discuss facts in a non-fiction book and link to their own experiences if relevant.
Discuss rhymes in poems and what picture is this poem trying to paint in your head? ‘I think it is about...’
Ask them if they liked the book
Ask them their favourite part?
Ask them about the story -How do you think XX felt?