Reading Support

DPiL Early reading and phonics:

Please see the Early Reading and Phonic page.

Guided Reading Inset:

Teachers will be taught how to teach children to read and trained on a tried and tested sequence (that uses multiple strategies) to support children make accelerated progress in reading. This includes the use of reading test question and answer stems. This can include modelled sessions.

“Nina’s training is inspirational. Staff return excited and equipped with the resources to deliver high quality reading programmes, which children thoroughly enjoy and raises standards across the school.”

Elizabeth Figueiredo, Headteacher, St Peter's Primary School London Docks (East London)

Shared reading from Y2 to Y6:

Teachers will be taught how to teach children to read and trained on a tried and tested sequence to support children make accelerated progress in reading. This includes the use of covering the reading domains and the use of rigorous reading test question and the use of answer stems. This can include modelled sessions (This approach has been observed in local authorities and Ofsted and deemed outstanding). It will discuss and support differentiation.

Reading interventions for the lowest 20% in KS2:

Interventions in phonics and reading will be set up to accelerate their progress and get them back on track.

Please note that packages of support can be tailor-made to suit individual school settings.

Please get in touch to discuss your consultancy needs and pricing.