Drama Inset

What’s on offer:

DPiL Drama into writing inset for the whole school or a key stage: Teachers will experience drama techniques and how to weave these into a text with the aim of developing children's speaking and listening and maximising their enjoyment, understanding and attainment. Teachers will have fun too, having the chance to refresh and revitalise their teaching practice.

DPiL Drama across the curriculum: This will show teachers various techniques to maximise learning and understanding in science, history, geography, PSHE and RE.

Nina’s training is inspirational. Staff return excited and equipped with the resources to deliver high quality literacy programmes, which children thoroughly enjoy and raises standards across the school.”

Elizabeth Figueiredo, Headteacher, St Peter's Primary School London Docks (East London)

DPiL Drama demonstrations with classes: Children and teachers will be shown various drama techniques and the value of process drama to enable children to develop a deeper understanding, use new vocabulary, form opinions, improve their listening and speaking skills. This will include children planning some form of writing outcome at the end of the drama session.

DPiL shadow theatre: All children will perform their own play using these techniques.

DPiL radio drama: All children will record a radio show or story using scripts and sound effects.

Examples of Whole class process dramas include:

§ Theseus and the Minotaur

§ Osiris legend

§ Egyptian fairytale

§ The rescue of the survivors of the Titanic by the Carpathia

§ The opening of Tutankhamun’s tomb (many believe it’s real)

§ Acting out of a Grim Tale-the real Sleeping Beauty

§ A river walk

§ A walk in the woods, Expert of the Mantle, ‘in role as David Attenborough’

Please note that packages of Drama support can be tailor-made to suit individual school settings.

Please get in touch to discuss your consultancy needs and pricing.