Writing Support
DPiL Writing Unit Courses:
Teachers can attend remote/live training for the DPiL writing units. This can be run in school as and when you need it, or teachers can attend the DPiL remote training that runs from September to May every year.
Moderation and Next Steps in writing across the school:
Teachers will be supported in assessing children’s writing and how to identify next steps and how to address these in practical ways.
Modelling of writing in school:
Nina Birch will model writing and/or team teach in classes to raise standards for teachers and children.
English lead support:
Support is given to embed systematic approaches and how to set up interventions when necessary.
“DPiL has had a transformative impact on the writing in our school. The focus on drama and oral rehearsal engages all pupils and particularly supports the high number of SEN and EAL learners we have.”
Nina Hall, Assistant Headteacher, Rotherhithe Primary School (South London)
Curriculum mapping:
Online or in-school training with teachers, and SLT to support curriculum design.
How to teach DPiL Spelling for Y2 to Y6:
Training for Y2-Y6 teachers on how to implement the weekly DPiL Spelling programme (this includes the planning for each year).
How to teach DPiL Grammar:
Inset training is available on how to teach grammar through a whole school systematic grammar framework. This includes interactive approaches to teach word class and grammar and punctuation.
“Lessons are well scaffolded and she always encourages opportunities for the more able to be stretched. All of our children love her units and look forward to them.”
Nicola Sands, Literacy Lead, St Peter's Primary School London Docks (East London)
How to teach Punctuation:
An exciting new training in a whole school systematic approach to teaching punctuation. (Based on tried and tested direct work in schools with teachers and children).
How to edit and improve:
A whole school approach to train children about how to edit and improve. A rigorous and relentless approach.
Differentiation - moving from P levels back to working towards and beyond:
Using trialled resources and approaches. This discusses and shows how to differentiate the writing, offers a support sequence within a guided session, how to conference and when to move them on and how. This is not a quick fix, but this can happen over two terms if there is a consistent approach.
Please note that packages of support can be tailor-made to suit individual school settings.
Please get in touch to discuss your consultancy needs and pricing.
Lefthand side: Child's writing in September, Year 1. Righthand side: Same child's writing in March, Year 1. Significant progress in just six months.